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Syllogistic Reasoning

10 Mai 2018 , Rédigé par Mon Orientation Mon Métier Publié dans #Articles universitaires

Syllogistic Reasoning

Evans, Newstead, & Byrne (1993)

Traditional syllogisms were first devised by Aristotle, and for centuries were believed to be the basis of ail rational thought. Countless generations of students of logic must have been required to learn the mnemonic device for remembering valid syllogisms, which goes:

Barbara, Darii, Celarent, Ferio

Camestres, Baroco, Cesare, Festino

Darapti, Datisi, Felapton, Ferison, Disamis, Bocardo

Bramantip, Camenes, Dimaris, Fesapo, Fresison

To modern-day readers, this approach to learning about the laws of thought seems archaic, even quaint. It is probable that most readers of this book have never corne across the above mnemonic which formed such an important part of the education of so many people. lts significance will be explained shortly, following a description of the nature of syllogisms.

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Syllogistic Reasoning

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